
By Vance Martin

Published on: May 7, 2024 | Reading Time: 2 min | Last Modified: May 7, 2024

Upon landing on the home page, you may have noticed right away that some things changed here at the ARIP site! For the first couple years of this effort, part of what the ARIP did was to specifically review organizations and score them based upon their visible commitment to inclusivity. Doing those reviews and rankings was time consuming, and frankly depressing, as the general trend was essentially that the vast majority of amateur radio clubs and organizations do not have any publicly visible statements about inclusion, codes of conduct etc.

…the vast majority of amateur radio clubs and organizations do not have any publicly visible statements about inclusion…

Rather than create a continually growing list of ‘failed’ organizations, I decided to regroup, and rethink time commitments, and what I wanted this tool to be.

Moving forward the ARIP will focus more on being a self-help resource for clubs and individuals who want to make a publicly visible statement about their beliefs. I still encourage everyone to make the pledge, but doing so will be much simpler - simply link to our main page from your website. Organizations that have already made the pledge will continue to be recognized on the legacy scoring page, however that page is being updated to simply show organizations and individuals that have made the pledge in the past, that we come across that have some visible statement of inclusion, or those who reach out and ask to be included.

We will discontinue the ‘cold’ audits because we want to focus more on lifting up the good, vs shouting at the bad.

…focus more on lifting up the good, vs shouting at the bad.

With that thought in mind, in our documents you’ll now find a section for “Organizations we Love” that moving forward will be our call-out for organizations we find that we think are awesome!